Operational Materials Procurement
Operational Materials Procurement
Operational Materials Procurement
Operational Materials Procurement
Operational Materials Procurement
Operational Materials Procurement
Operational Materials Procurement

Operational Materials Procurement

This category focuses on the procurement of consumables that are continuously, regularly, and in high volumes consumed to ensure uninterrupted production. In coordination with the Technology and Production Units of our group companies, new technologies are researched, and the focus is placed on alternative suppliers and production methods. Usage quantities are optimized in collaboration with the Supply Chain Department.

The main purchasing groups in this category are as follows:


This product group includes coil paints used by Assan Alüminyum for painting coil sheets and automotive paints used by Assan Hanil for painting interior and exterior plastic components of vehicles.

Industrial Gases

This group includes liquid Argon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Carbon Dioxide gases, as well as various bottled gases and Pentane gas used in panel production, all essential for maintaining continuous production in our group companies. All gases used as consumables by our group companies fall under this category.

Packaging and Wrapping Materials

This product group encompasses wooden, plastic, metal, and cardboard packaging materials used for packaging purposes in our group companies.

Lubricants and Lubrication Equipment

This group includes oils used in the production processes of our group companies. Various types such as rolling oil, slideway oil, rope oil, grease, and mold oil are available.

Operational Auxiliary Materials

This category covers the procurement of consumables used by our group companies. It includes product groups such as foundry consumables, water chemicals, production chemicals, and insulation materials.

Laboratory Quality Materials

This product group includes laboratory materials and equipment. The focus is on meeting all laboratory needs during the setup period as well as ensuring the supply of necessary consumables throughout the operational period for the companies.