Kibar Sustainable Tomorrow for Accelerated Results

In order to enlighten our future, we enlighten our stakeholders on the path of sustainability with K-STAR, the Kibar Star.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

As Kibar Group, we believe that it is necessary to improve the sustainability performance of not only our own operations but also the entire ecosystem (suppliers, customers, partnerships, society, etc.) that we interact with. In this context, we aim to evaluate the products/services provided by our suppliers from the perspective of Environmental, Social, Governance performances and to realise this issue together with all our suppliers with whom we cooperate.

Based on the sectors and categories of Kibar Group Purchasing suppliers, the integrated management methodology and the requirements set forth by the following international organisations were taken into consideration in the process of understanding the sustainability needs of suppliers:

  • Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs
  • United Nations Global Compact - UNGC
  • Global Reporting Initiative - GRI
  • Sustainability Accounting Standards Board - SASB
  • The German Supply Chain Act - Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz - LkSG

Suppliers were matched with SASB industries within the scope of their sectors, industries with common priority issues were grouped and all suppliers were divided into 4 separate survey groups according to their sectors.

A total of 1,214 suppliers (domestic and foreign) were included in the K-STAR programme for the 2023 assessment.

With the K-STAR project that we will implement, we primarily aim to measure the sustainability maturity of our suppliers through surveys. Afterwards, we plan to create a road map to improve the existing maturity with the actions to be defined. Thus, we will prepare a development plan to be determined jointly.

We expect all our suppliers to respond to the questionnaire in order to measure their sustainability performance and take it to a higher level with the actions we will determine.

We will follow the programme with the questionnaire we will send to our suppliers in the periods to be determined and by examining the actions assigned in the previous period.

Kibar Purchasing shares the presentations, which include both developments on the current sustainability agenda and information on the operation of the programme, on the Kibar Purchasing website.